On Friday, March 10, 2023 Federal Regulators shut down Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) due to its lack of liquidity. SVB had a structure very different than traditional financial institutions, as it was utilizing the tech and venture capital community. Closely connected with SVB, regulators also closed Signature Bank, on Sunday March 12, 2023. Signature Bank provided banking services to real estate companies, law firms and cryptocurrency companies. All depositors of both institutions will have access to and receive their full deposits and losses will not be borne by taxpayers, according to regulators.

Central Soya FCU members should know that Central Soya FCU is a safe place to save money. Central Soya FCU has sound financial policies and receives high rankings annually from regulators for safety and soundness practices and management of risk. Deposits at Central Soya FCU are protected by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund and insured up to at least $250,000 per individual depositor- the same as any other federally insured financial institution. That means backing by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. Central Soya FCU is well capitalized and in a solid financial position to meet the saving and borrowing needs of its members.

Members should also be aware that scams have already been reported, trying to alarm members. In this sophisticated scam the scammers are communicating that a bank or credit union is under Federal Bureau of Investigation review and the person needs to take out their cash from their bank or credit union or risk losing it. Please be aware of suspicious calls or emails at all times.

Please contact us at 260-724-1338 with any questions and concerns that you have.

Central Soya
Federal Credit Union

1200 N 2nd Street • Decatur, IN 46733

Phone: 260-724-1338 or 877-392-5977
Fax: 260-724-1325

Routing Number: 274972980
NCUA and Equal Hosing Opportunity logos.
ATM/Debit Card Contact

Lost or Stolen cards: 800-523-4175

Credit Card Contact

24/7 Customer Support: 855-510-0950
Lost or Stolen cards: 800-449-7728
Traveling outside the country:
727-299-2449 (Please call collect)

Mobile Apps
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